Time Warp

From Plazma Burst Official Wiki
Time warp is introduced to the player in Level 3, where the player can dodge enemy attacks after the doors to the elevator open.

Time Warp (press Z button to activate) is a module used by the player to slow down time at the cost of Energy. While active, it provides significantly more time to react to oncoming threats, and perform split-second decisions with ease.


Warping time uses energy.

While the Time Warp is active, every element of the game is affected by a level-wide time slow. Projectiles, Characters — including the user, and any active Doors, or Timers will be slowed to a crawl, allowing the Player to more easily react to threats.

Activating the Time Warp costs 10 Energy, and will use more while active, the effect will continue until the Player runs out of energy, or if it is deactivated by pressing Z once more, slowly regenerating energy whilst not in use.

While the Player is slowed, they gain increased movement, and projectile speed under the effect of Time Warp over the enemies, which alongside the users increased reaction speed, gives an additional advantage amidst many.

  • Grants the user the ability to more easily dodge incoming projectiles, reducing the likelihood of taking fatal damage.
  • While deflecting bullets with PSI Swords is also possible in real-time, it becomes much easier to do under Time Warp. Making it an effective means of reducing the damage you take.
    • Note that Rail projectiles, and explosives are not able to be reflected. Invisible, hitscan bullets from the M4A1 or Glock are also not reflect-able.
    • If an enemy only has weapons that fire bullet projectiles, you can approach them easily, with your gun or swords.
  • It can be used to make shots that would not otherwise hit in real-time (due to the increased projectile speed). Time Warp also helps the user target enemies with the Kinetic Module.
    • Using the Kinetic Module and Time Warp in conjunction, the process of throwing an object builds up more speed than it normally would. Thus allowing throws to deal significantly more damage to the target.
  • It can be used to escape a gunfight, such as getting to cover before a group of enemies spawn in front of you and attack you.
  • If Time Warp is in use and a door comes down to you (like that trap from level 7), you can escape much better.
  • It can be used in certain death situations, where dodging a rocket or deflecting bullets is necessary for survival. It can also be utilized to time a grenade's detonation.

Though the Time Warp can work against the Player if used improperly, as it can interrupt the user's health regeneration.


  • In earlier versions of Plazma Burst 2, the Time Warp slowed time less, making the player movement and projectile speed increase more noticeable, but drained more energy to compensate.
    • Before release, the energy meter was instead used to indicate the players current stability.